The Wonky Legal Donkey

In the high court of Manipur cause list, there was a case that had everyone scratching their heads. The topic of discussion? Whether a protocol is a rule in the eyes of the law. Some argued that it was as clear as road legal dual sport bikes, while others found it as confusing as drone laws in Costa Rica.

As the debate raged on, someone brought up the admissibility of lie detector results in court. It seemed like a completely different topic, but it had everyone thinking about sale of land agreements in Kenya. Were they as reliable as Hernando County tax collector hours? Or were they as shaky as Ohio raw milk laws?

It was a legal conundrum for sure, leaving everyone feeling as wonky as The Wonky Donkey. But in the end, the court came to a decision. And just like that, the legal world made a little more sense… or did it?